SOS/Snowden Onsite Septic

Aerobic Septic System
This is a mix-up of terms. There are aerobic treatment units, aka aerobic systems, and there are septic systems. Actually, even the term "septic system" is wrong. We haven't done 'septic' systems in Texas in over 50 years. (More on this in another article.)  ...

Aerobic System Pumping
Aerobic Treatment Units (ATU) generally require more frequent pumping than do septic tanks of comparable size. There are 2 reasons: The ATU pretreatment tank is very small, and can't hold as much undigestible solids as can a larger septic tank, and  The ATU process continually...

Aerobic Treatment Unit
First, please understand that the State has clearly stated it is the owner's responsibility to operate the aerobic treatment unit in compliance with all regulations - regardless who you hire, and what they do or don't do.  To keep your maintenance costs to a minimum and insure high effluent...

Alternative Septic System
Regarding your Home Aerobic Treatment Unit: The components in your home plant should be serviced at least twice per year. The tanks must be pumped to remove excess solids, generally once every 2 years. A trained service technician should be present when pumping the tanks to assure proper pumping...

Alternative Septic Systems
Interested in leading-edge green innovation? How about a water reuse capability on all properties, including those that are on city sewer? We can help with that if and when you are interested. Now, THAT'S green and sustainable building!Why Snowden Onsite Services, Inc. (S.O.S.)?Responsive – priority service with current service agreement...

Arobic Septic System
When we are hired to design an OSSF, we designers come to the property with an open mind. After all, we are primarily technicians and want to follow a step-by-step method of analyzing the situation in accordance with all requirements, including the TCEQ Regulations and other industry standards. The outcome...

Bleach Septic System
BLEACH: Chlorine bleach should not be used. Oxygen bleaches are recommended. Oxygen bleaches can be used in any form, liquid, powder, or pellets. Most laundry detergents contain sodium perborate or bleach which releases boron as it breaks down. Boron has a bactericidal effect which in excessive quantities could damage your...

Carbon Filters
Noxious gases are generated naturally as part of the biological activity in septic tanks. Puffs of these odorous gases can be vented when liquid levels rise in the tank. Activated carbon filters fitted to these vents will adsorb these odors.Activated charcoal is good at trapping other carbon-based impurities, as well...

Cesspools, Seepage Pits
Traditionally, a cesspool is a deep cylindrical chamber dug into the ground approximately a yard in diameter and 2-3 yards in depth. Cesspools are sometimes referred to as Seepage Pits. Both are big holes in the ground into which sewage is indiscriminately deposited with no care for proper treatment. Cesspools...

Cleaners Septic System
DETERGENTS: Low sudsing detergents should be used. If powdered detergents are used, only theconcentrated forms are recommended. Filler materials used in the “economy size” containers do not dissolve readily. Below are a few suggestions:Ultra Cheer with advanced color guard powderLiquid Tide with bleach alternativeUltra ERA liquidNEVER USE MORE THAN THE...

Compare Septic System
The aerobic wastewater treatment plant is designed for the treatment of domestic wastewater and nothing else should go into it. During extended periods of intermittent or non-use, such as vacation time, the aerobic bacteria inside the plant will decrease due to no food in the form of incoming wastewater. The...

Costs Septic
When a person buys a house, car, computer or almost anything of any complexity, there are always upgrades available. These upgrades usually do not cost near as much as the item itself, but give features that can bring significant benefit to the consumer.A septic system is no different. It's an...

The septic tank effluent is allowed to flow to the drainfield by gravity or is dosed by pump or siphon. The effluent enters the soil and is treated as it percolates to the groundwater. The soil acts as biological filter to remove nearly all harmful substances including disease-causing bacteria and...

Drainfield Septic
DrainfieldThe wastewater exits the septic tank and is discharged into the drainfield for further treatment by the soil. The partially treated wastewater is pushed along into the drainfield for further treatment every time new wastewater enters the tank.If the drainfield is overloaded with too much liquid, it will flood, causing...

Drip Septic System
We are seeing drip fields beginning to fail at an alarming rate!Why? Inadequate designs that seem to fully satisfy the State and local rules. Snowden On-Site, Inc. can help you avoid the liability of being part of these failures. Call or e-mail us. We would be pleased to help. (512)...

Drip Septic Systems
Drip fields on a slope must be designed and installed to prevent drain-back. Otherwise, the lowest part of the field gets overloaded. Manual flushing of drip fields every 3 to 4 months is generally insufficient. Flushing frequency is a factor of effluent quality, field design, dosing and resting times, and...

Failed Septic System
A system that is used conservatively and maintained regularly by pumping the septic tank can last a very long time if it was originally installed correctly. The best systems are shallow systems which allow air to enter the soil and penetrate to the vicinity of wastewater absorption. Studies that just...

Failure Septic System
The most obvious septic system failures are easy to spot. Check for pooling water or muddy soil around your septic system or in your basement. Notice whether your toilet or sink backs up when you flush or do laundry. You might also notice strips of bright green grass over the...

Fiberglass Septic Tank
Fiberglass Septic Tanks: are very resistant to some of the problems occurring with concrete such as cracks and (rust from stel tanks. But fiberglass septic tanks can have their own special considerations, particularly during installation and possibly when the plastic or fiberglass septic tank is being pumped. Advantages ...

Field Leach Septic System
There are three reasons why septic system maintenance is important to you and your community. 1.The first is money. The minimal cost and effort required to maintain your system can save you or delay future expenditures that have ranged from $10,000 to $100,000 for replacement systems. 2.The second and most...

Field Septic System
The design of the septic drain field is determined by the size of the dwelling that it serves and the soil conditions. Soil conditions are tested by with a percolation test or perc test. An engineer or licensed designer is required to work with the local governing agency to design...

Find Septic System
Preserve...Protect...Prevent With an SOS PSA, our professionals put your home or business septic system through our 15-Point Preventive and Protective Maintenance. Your system immediately begins doing more work with less energy operating at the design efficiency and with less wear on the equipment and reduced chance of inconvenient and expensive...

Find Septic Systems
Your septic system is an investment in and an improvement of your property. With a little knowledge and preventive maintenance it will last you many years. Your septic system is exactly like the large plants that major cities use to treat millions of gallons of wastewater. It is a mini...

Fix Septic System
Septic systems are not holes in the ground into which we pour sewage and it magically disappears.They are biological and mechanical systems and as such they require service and maintenance.Below is a table of different types of many types of septic systems with the recommended services and frequencies.Different Systems and...

Get Optimal Performance AND Save Money!
Did you know... Septic systems cost as much or more than a new car! Even worse, replacing an existing system is even higher cost. Now you're probably starting to wonder how to get the best performance and best life span from this important and expensive system that...

Graywater System
New rules regarding graywater systems were written by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and went into effect on January 6, 2005. Graywater can be used in a variety of ways, and the simplest way is in irrigation of landscape at residences. If you would like more information on graywater...

How To Take Care Of Your Septic System
Guidelines for the successful use of your septic system: Don't flush dangerous and damaging substances into the septic tank. (Please refer to "Substitutes for Household Hazardous Waste," below) Specifically, do not flush . . . Flammable or toxic products Household cleaners, especially floor wax and...

Improved Efficiency - Public And Private
(Rare story: A public agency and private company work together to improve efficiency for themselves AND their customers.) Background:   Since the State-wide change in the septic rules back in 1997, every septic permitting agency has promised and been responsible for enforcing the myriad of requirements included in those rules.  A...

Install Septic System
A properly installed and operated system treats wastewater from your home and returns it to the groundwater to enhance and protect our groundwater resources. The first component in the system is a septic tank that uses natural processes to treat the wastewatergenerated in your home. The second component is a...

Installing Septic System
With increasing frequency, people are asking how to use NSF-listed home plants for office, restaurant, or other nonresidential applications. Based on the last several years of experience, we are now of the opinion that at no time should any NSF-listed home plant be used on anything other than residential strength...

Installing Septics
There two basic types of septic systems: a conventional system that consists of a tank with a drain field and an advanced system, like an aerobic system that adds air to the tank, creating a highly oxygenated environment in which bacteria work. Aerobic systems break down organic matter rapidly. The...

Installing Water Treatment
Foul taste, smell, or color of your household water may prompt you to investigate water treatment equipment. The publicity about water pollution problems may cause you to question the safety of your water supply. Or mineral scale buildup may cause you to invest in early replacement of plumbing fixtures and...

Leach Field
1. The smallest field, with lowest health risk, operational cost and problems, comes from the Multi-Pipe dispersal option. 2. The highest health risk, operational cost and operational problems come from the surface dispersal option. 3. For a spray dispersal field, Regulators, Designers, and Installers must warn the owner,...

Leach Septic
Plant warmseason grasses that use more water and over-seed with cool-season grasses during the winter. Grasses remove a significant portion of the water from a system, and the grass cover must be maintained. Trees also remove water and can be planted around the system perimeter. However, roots from trees planted...

Local Septic System
Problems in Texas On-Site Industry: (The following is a list of opinions by Jeff Snowden)Too little enforcement by agencies. (“You can't enforce what you don't track” Jeff Snowden) Most don't have a proper method for tracking their...

Here's a logical fact of life regarding septic systems: All septic systems require maintenance to keep them working correctly and to ensure their long life. No reasonable person would drive their car forever without changing the oil.  So, no reasonable person would use their septic forever without getting it pumped. ...

Mound Septic System
The drainage area in a mound system is more susceptible to compaction than a conventional drain field because the soil underneath the mound must already bear the weight of the mound itself. To prevent compaction, do not allow am vehicles or heavy equipment on the mound. Because it is a...

Mound Septic Systems
A mound system consists of a septic tank, dosing chamber, and an elevated absorption mound. The effluent is held in the chamber and periodically pumped into the absorption mound.Because the soil in the mound receives the effluent evenly and over set intervals, it is much less likely to become overly...

Pay Too Little?
“It’s unwise to pay too much. But it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money, that is all.When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do.The...

Professionally Designed Septic System
While our primary business is sales and service of quality OSSF equipment, we can offer you, the Professional Designer, so much more. We regularly assist Designers with their designs in the On-Site Sewage Facility market.At the very least we offer you the following benefits:Decades of real world experience in...

Pump Septic Tank
"Superior Onsite Service" Estimated septic tank pumping frequencies in years (for year-round residences). Tank Household size (number of people) in left colum, vs (Years between pumping listed across top. size 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...

Many septic tank owners believe that if they haven't had any problems, they don't need to have their septic tanks pumped. Not true. If the solids are not removed, eventually they will damage the rest of the system. This may seem like an old idea, but for members of the...

Pumping Chart
This chart below, quoted by EPA, will give you an estimate of the required frequency for pumping your septic system. * Many aerobic system trash tanks are much smaller than 500 gallons. NOTE: More frequent pumping is needed if you use a garbage disposal or the thick multi-ply toilet...

Pumping Frequencies
The table below provides an estimate of pumping frequency in years, based on the size of the first tank in gallons, and the number of people in the house. Tank Household size (number of people) Tank Size ...

Repairing Septics
Need to install a new septic system? Does your existing system require maintenance or repairs? J.L. Smith Snowden Onsite can help with septic tank and drain field, septic tank installation, septic tank repair, drain fields, pumps and more. * Septic Tank and Drain Field Installation ...

Replacement Septic System
When a person buys a house, car, computer or almost anything of any complexity, there are always upgrades available. These upgrades usually do not cost near as much as the item itself, but give features that can bring significant benefit to the consumer.A septic system is no different. ...

Residential Septic System
If you're envisioning a dream home, chances are you're also envisioning your dream lifestyle in it: entertaining your friends, hosting relatives, maybe soaking in your garden tub. It's a safe bet that your septic system never appears in those dreams. But the fact is, your septic system can make the...

Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis is sometimes referred to as ultrafiltration because it involves the movement of water through a membrane.A typical home reverse osmosis treatment system is normally located beneath the kitchen sink since it is used to treat water for drinking and cooking purposes. Reverse osmosis systems consist of...

Rotten Egg Smell
1.Odors in the HomeSeptic odors inside the house are both annoying and can be a health problem. Odors in a home are typically an indication of a plumbing problem. A very common problem is the drying out of a trap in a basement floor drain allowing gases from...

Sand Septic
The USDA classification procedure has defined the words clay, silt, sand, and gravel. For a stratum to be a soil, it must be described using those four terms, and, except for structure, those four terms only. To say “caliche” is not in accordance with the USDA procedure, and...

Search Septic System
15 Point Planned Service Agreements Fifteen Point Aerobic Service(Recommended at least four times, preferably 12 times, per year) Check Aerator or Compressor Operation. Clean inlet devices and filters, where applicable, Check diffusers as needed. Inspect tees and baffles for Defects. ...

Search Septic Systems
If properly designed, constructed and maintained, your septic system can provide long-term, effective treatment of household wastewater. If your septic system isn't maintained, you might need to replace it, costing you thousands of dollars. A malfunctioning system can contaminate groundwater that might be a source of drinking water. And if...

Seller Says "Too Bad"
Seller Says “Too Bad” After Homebuyers Find Rotting Septic Tank Under Plywood (From Pumper Magazine, October 23, 2018) A news organization in Cortland Manor, New York, helped pressure listing agents to replace a collapsing septic tank after they brokered the sale of a $300,000 home without informing the new...

Septic Above Ground
Septic tanks can often sit on or above ground, for several reasons:Above-ground tanks may be appropriate in water-front areas where installation below the flood level is inappropriate or prohibited. Above ground tanks can be a cost savings due to there being no excavating and backfilling of a tank hole....

Septic Additives
What about chlorine? There are lots of questions regarding chlorine in certain septics that we will attempt to answer here.Q: Can I (legally) use swimming pool chlorine?A: No. Swimming pool chlorine has the wrong chemical make up for wastewater. It is not as effective as...

Septic Aerator
Electrical shock is another hazard that can be encountered when working around aerators, alarms, pumps and other mechanical equipment. Electrical shock can cause severe injury or death. All persons working on or around these systems should use caution in dealing with electrical systems and should not try...

Septic Alternative
Alternative systemsBecause many areas don't have soils suitable for typical septic systems, you might have or need an alternative system. You might also have or need an alternative system if there are too many typical septic systems in one area or the systems are too close to groundwater or surface...

Septic Backup
Occasionally homeowners complain about odors from their onsite sewage treatment system. Although most people understand that sewage has a particular odor, steps can be taken to limit these odors in the home and yard. Gases from an onsite system that can be a problem include hydrogen sulfide, carbon...

Septic Backup Repair
DO NOT attempt to pump out, enter your septic tank or dispose of its contents yourself! Only licensed, qualified persons should attempt these tasks. Due to the danger of toxic gases, an empty septic tank should be entered only by properly equipped, trained personnel.Under current Texas law a 750 gallon...

Septic Bed
The use of the word “coke” in this article was chosen for two specific reasons: (1) “coke” is not defined as a soil anywhere in Chapter 285, and (2) because “coke” means so many different things to so many different people – especially people from outside of Texas. (INSERT...

Septic Cesspool
The cesspool is considered outdated today. Its principal advantage lies in the fact that it is a simple and inexpensive installation. Often the word is used inaccurately to describe different types of septic systems.Cesspools are covered pits into which raw waste is discharged . Liquid waste is taken off...

Septic Chamber
On–site leaching chambers are successfully replacing gravel and pipe for leach field installations. Their lightweight construction allow for easy hands–on installation with minimal soil compaction. The product is adaptable to serial and lateral projects. Today, on–site leaching chambers have grown in acceptance and total 30% of leaching systems installed.Chamber systems,...

Septic Cleaner
Why an S.O.S. Inspection Agreement? Security - Without proper maintenance, your system will fail prematurely, causing:Health and environmental problems for you, your family, and your communityExpensive, unplanned repairs costing more than the original cost of the system.Reduced value of your home on resale. Convenience - who in your family...

Septic Cleaning
Protect Your Investment; Know Your Septic TankYour septic system can last for decades - but only with proper maintenance.Proper maintenance will not only protect the investment you have in your home and septic system, it will also protect the environment and the public health. What is the best service to...

Septic Concrete
Quality control testing for compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimens must be performed and recorded on test cylinders for every 150 yards of concrete poured, according to ASTM C39. Leakage testing must be conducted by randomly selecting one out of every 20 septic tanks. Currently, precast concrete septic tanks are...

Septic Cost
There is not one number for the cost of a septic system. We've seen residential systems go in for over $100K (not by us) and for less than $5K (that contractor is out of business now). The true cost of a septic for your home should really be based on...

Septic Design - Flows
Question:  Is there any wonder why folks seem to be having so many problems with OSSFs (septic systems) in Texas? Answer:  Beginning with the new rules that came out in 1997, design flows are on the order of 1/2 what they used to be - even though homeowners aren't...

Septic Diagram
Septic tanks are installed to allow solids to settle out of sewage and hold these solids in the tank. Over the years of operating, accumulated solids begin taking up too much room in the tank, reducing the volume available for settling. It is helpful to draw a diagram of the...

Septic Disposal
Do not use in-sink garbage grinders excessively or discard too much grease. Garbage grinders can cause sludge or scum to build up rapidly. This makes it necessary to clean the septic system more frequently and might cause it to fail because the wastewater is too strong for the system to...

Septic Distribution
Let's pursue some of the technical issues with the “new” OSSFs. How do you design for peak flows? How many gallons per minute or per day do you plan on, above the average daily flow? How do you accommodate solids management? How many gallons per day of solids will accumulate...

Septic Drain Field
Some homes may not have enough land area or appropriate soil conditions to accommodate the soil absorption drain field. In some communities, the water table is too high to allow the drain field to give adequate treatment to the wastewater before it is returned to the groundwater.Other site-related concerns include...

Septic Drain Fields
Care for your drainfieldYour drainfield is an important part of your septic system. Here are a few things you should do to maintain it: Plant only grass over and near your septic system. Roots from nearby trees or shrubs might clog and damage the drainfield. Don't...

Septic Effluent
The septic tank effluent is allowed to flow to the drainfield by gravity or is dosed by pump or siphon. The effluent enters the soil and is treated as it percolates to the groundwater. The soil acts as biological filter to remove nearly all harmful substances including disease-causing bacteria and...

Septic Field
We are seeing drip fields beginning to fail at an alarming rate!Why? Inadequate designs that seem to fully satisfy the State and local rules. Snowden On-Site, Inc. can help you avoid the liability of being part of these failures. Call or e-mail us. We would be...

Septic Fields
The design of the septic drain field is determined by the size of the dwelling that it serves and the soil conditions. The soil conditions would be tested by a method called a percolation test or perc test.The absorption field is a subsurface leaching area within the soil that receives...

Septic Filter
Media filters (sand filters, gravel filters, etc.) are not maintenance free. Tank maintenance and septic filter and system installations should always be performed by licensed and insured professional. Septic tank filters are designed to keep solid particles in the septic tank. They are located on the outlet side of the...

Septic Fixing
Occasionally homeowners complain about odors from their onsite sewage treatment system. Although most people understand that sewage has a particular odor, steps can be taken to limit these odors in the home and yard. Gases from an onsite system that can be a problem include hydrogen sulfide, carbon...

Septic FRAUD!
An elderly woman was recently scammed out of $30,000 in Dewey, Arizona, after a man claimed he’d replaced her entire septic system while she was on a weeklong vacation. The suspect was arrested in Flagstaff on suspicion of fraud and theft. He had showed up at the woman’s door...

Septic Garbage Disposal
GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Care should be taken not to dispose of grease or fat in the disposal. Food scraps should be scraped into the garbage container and not flushed down the disposal.NEVER flush paper towels, newspapers, wrapping paper, feminine articles, and rags into the system.NEVER allow large, irregular, intermittent or...

Septic Holding Tank
Holding Tank Septic Systems use a sealed tank to hold household waste and wastewater until the tank can be pumped out by a septic pumping company.A holding tank is simply a tight, leak-proof steel drum that acts as a temporary collection for all sewage effluent. When the tank nears...

Septic Infiltrator
Infiltrator Systems Inc. is a world leader in the manufacture of plastic drainage chambers for on-site septic and stormwater management.The Infiltrator Chamber System is a direct replacement for old-fashioned stone and pipe leachfields installed in a three-foot wide trench. Infiltrator chambers sit directly on the trench bottom. The patented...

Septic Inspection
We offer a wide variety of septic system services, from rooter and drain cleaning, to pumping and repairs, to turnkey design and installation. Please take some time to look at all of the services we offer.Replacing a failed septic system can cost $35,000 to $45,000 and take months of...

Septic Installation
You may be interested to know that we recently testified to a legislative committee in response to their interest in the status of the State of Texas on-site sewage facility (OSSF) rules. As we told the committee members, our overriding concern is for the owners of these newer OSSFs...

Septic Leach Field
The leachfield is the most important and the most sensitive part of your septic system. It is also the most expensive to repair. The leachfield consists of a perforated pipe set into a gravel-filled trench that is usually about two feet wide and two to ten feet deep. Wastewater...

Septic Leach Fields
If there are strong odors in the soil treatment area (around an in-ground drain field, bed or mound), it can indicate a problem with that part of the system. All inspection pipes should be checked to make sure the pipes are not broken and they are covered. A...

Septic Leaching
LEACHING SYSTEMSTrenches: Are linear excavations that are a maximum of 48" in width and 18" in height. Trenches are backfilled with one-inch stone containing a 4" perforated distribution pipe located 6" or 12" above the bottom of the trench. The distribution pipe is covered with a minimum 2" of stone.A...

Septic Lines
Leach lines are trenches that are filled with washed rock/gravel to flow level. Perforated pipe lays on top of the rock at a level grade. More rock is added to cover the pipe, and paper or other approved filter material is used to keep soil from filtering down into the...

Septic Maintenance
We understand you want to live your life in your home, and the reason you need us is to you is to help you to do exactly that. No matter how nice your home, your fixtures, and your landscaping, however, you can't enjoy them when the toilets are backing...

Septic Mound
Mound Septic Systems are a wastewater absorption trench system which has been constructed using suitable soil which has been placed on top of the natural soil on a building lot.Unfortunately, in areas soils with shallow depth over a limiting layer or soils with a high percolation rate make it impossible...

Septic New Install
Let's pursue some of the technical issues with the “new” OSSFs. How do you design for peak flows? How many gallons per minute or per day do you plan on, above the average daily flow? How do you accommodate solids management? How many gallons per day of solids will accumulate...

Septic Odor
Why does my septic system stink at our vacation home?For this answer to make sense we need to first explain the operation of your system. Your system is comprised of two tanks. The first tank is the aerobic treatment unit (ATU). The second tank is a pump tank...

Septic Onsite
When you buy a house with a new septic system, it is part of the investment. Often times, homeowners are not even told about their systems, and may not even know what type of system they have, or the operating limitations of their systems. Home inspections only cover...

Septic Problems
Why Doesn't My [New] Septic Work?In Texas, the rules currently governing septic systems are minimum standards. In other words, these rules only define what is the worst system that can be legally installed. Most systems provided these days unfortunately only meet these minimum standards. If you are a minimum user,...

Septic Pump
Pumps: Accessories, Miscellaneous: STEP (septic tank effluent pumping) PVC pipe, fittings Grinder Pumps & Small Lift Stations Pressure and Flow Regulators Pumps up to 7½ hp, 4” discharge Air Release and Check Valves Orenco, Hydromatic, Grundfos, Others Control ValvesSeptic tanks don't fail immediately if they...

Septic Pumping
The septic tank holds the wastewater in the tank long enough for solids and liquids to separate. The wastewater forms three layers inside the tank. Sediments lighter than water (such as greases and oils) float to the top forming a layer of scum. Sediments heavier than water settle at the...

Septic Pumping Services
If you are considering the purchase of a home, you may not know the size of the tank, nor condition of the system as a whole. In this case, you should have the tank pumped and inspected. Sometimes the company pumping the tank will be able to tell you its...

Septic Pumps
The septic tank effluent is allowed to flow to the drainfield by gravity or is dosed by pump or siphon. The effluent enters the soil and is treated as it percolates to the groundwater. The soil acts as biological filter to remove nearly all harmful substances including disease-causing bacteria and...

Septic Repair
We offer a wide selection of system upgrades that can often reduce the frustrations some folks are having with their systems. A ½ hour on-site Septic 101 class is available to all new Inspection Agreement customers. This is where you can ask questions, and learn about your system.We...

Septic Repairs
We're here because nobody else wants to handle other folks' waste, but somebody must. We do the necessary work that nobody else wants to do. It's not a gloried profession, but a VERY necessary profession. Without onsite, 30% or more of all construction would have to stop...

Septic Replacement
With increasing frequency, people are asking how to use NSF-listed home plants for office,restaurant, or other nonresidential applications. Based on the last several years of experience, Inow have come to the opinion that at no time should any NSF-listed home plant be used on anything other than residential strength wastewater.There...

Septic Replacing
A system that is used conservatively and maintained regularly by pumping the septic tank can last a very long time if it was originally installed correctly. The best systems are shallow systems which allow air to enter the soil and penetrate to the vicinity of wastewater absorption. Studies that just...

Septic Risers
All septic systems require maintenance. To provide that maintenance requires access to the tanks. Risers are what provide that access. If you don't have risers, your yard must be dug up every time access is needed.  The picture to the right shows a variety of components that might be...

Septic Sand Mound
Sand mounds are usually elevated as the name implies. Some sand mounds are flat or level with your lawn. They may be confused for a conventional septic system. Sand mound piping is laid out on a bed of gravel in the shape of an H. The...

Septic Service
Are you having problems getting the septic service that you were promised and that you already paid for on your septic system? If so, give us a call. We provide you the best septic service you can get anywhere - what we refer to as "Superior Onsite Service"....

Septic Sewage
The concentration of the activated sludge solids and the condition of those biological solids determines the effectiveness of an activated sludge process. Too few or too many organisms in a system will cause operational control problems, reducing treatment plant efficiency and causing an added pollution load on the receiving waters....

Septic Sewer
The septic tank is only one part of an on-site wastewater system. It is designed to remove solids prior to the effluent entering the soil absorption field, provide for the digestion of a portion of those solids, and store the remaining solids. Biological and chemical additives are not needed to...

Septic Sewer System
To remain effective, aerobic treatment unit components need regular maintenance. Poorly maintained systems may not produce water as clean as desired.For the best care for an aerobic treatment unit, follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Use these general guidelines as a basis for maintaining your system. They are divided into practices provided...

Septic Size
Most jurisdictions want to see a minimum of 1000 gallons. But the right septic tank size depends on the anticipated usage not an arbitrary number. To determine the required septic tank size you would need to come to a serious estimation of based on daily water volume usage.Be aware...

Septic Smell
Gases which can accumulate in the septic tank or any other anaerobic environment include; hydrogen sulfide (H2S), chlorine (Cl2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH3). Hydrogen sulfide has a characteristic smell of rotten eggs and can form sulfuric acid that can corrode metal and concrete...

Septic Soil
Why rock isn't “suitable soil”. There is much confusion being created by practitioners in the OSSF industry classifying rock as some form of suitable soil into which they can, therefore, install soil absorption systems for septic effluent. There is a need, therefore, for clarification on how to comply...

Septic System
What is a Septic System? Some may think that a septic system is a hole in the ground into which our sewage magically goes away, and of course without any concern for whether we are polluting our own backyard environment. In reality, at the minimum end...

Septic System Additive
What type of chlorine do I need to use?When disinfection of secondarily treated wastewater effluent is required and you are using chlorine tablets it is important that you use chlorine tablets that are...

Septic System Care
OUTLINE OF INSPECTION AGREEMENT SERVICE PROCEDURES:The Service Technician will:1. Be driving a company vehicle with signage identifying company name.2. Be wearing a company uniform with company...

Septic System Cleaning
We service homes and businesses, cleaning aerobic systems, septic tanks and domestic holding tanks.The general rule of thumb about septic system starters, feeders, cleaners and other additives is: If they are safe to use, they are probably not effective; and if they are effective, they are probably not safe to...

Septic System Construction
For many years, designers of high strength systems, e.g., for restaurants, RV parks, church halls, etc., due to ignorance of the different characteristics of high strength wastewater, have called for standard systems sized on estimated hydraulic loading. DR's, equally ignorant, have approved these designs. There was no thought...

Septic System Cost
Snowden Onsite Septic, Inc. (SOS) is able to offer a better approach to service that can improve the cost of owning and operating your septic system, and protect your investment in some of the most expensive equipment in your home. We call it our Planned Service Agreement (PSA) "An Ounce...

Septic System Costs
We designers receive much of our work from installers, homebuilders and property owners. The typical scenario is for one of these persons to call us, settle on our design fee and make an appointment to meet at the site. A challenge arises, however, when that person has already...

Septic System Design
Technical aspects:What is your definition of high strength wastewater?What are some of the salient features of your initial site evaluation?When designing for a restaurant, do you get involved with planning of the kitchen/cooking area? If so, what do you call for and what's your guideline?Do you get involved with employee...

Septic System Diagram
Types of Aerobic Treatment Units Submerged Aerobic Treatment Systems Suspended Growth Submerged Attached Growth/Fixed Film Sequencing Batch Reactor Rotating Biological Contactor Suspended Growth Aerobic microbes free swimming in the aeration chamber Mixing in the chamber mixes the microbes and the wastewater contaminants Microbial...

Septic System Drain
Some soils provide excellent wastewater treatment; others don't. For this reason, the design of the drainfield of a septic system is based on the results of soil analysis. Homeowners and system designers sometimes underestimate the significance of good soils or believe soils can handle any volume of wastewater applied to...

Septic System Estimate
The only way to get a true estimate is to circulate an approved design to several licensed system installers. Standards have changed and research has developed new and better approaches to treating sewage onsite to protect the health of the residents, the community, and the environment. While some older...

Septic System Filters
There are several versions of septic and other types of wastewater filters and the most basic septic effluent filter is a simple tee filter that is installed at the septic tank outlet. Septic filters are placed either in the septic tank at the outlet tee or in a separate chamber...

Septic System Inspection
Reasons for signing a service agreement with SOS: We provide you the best septic service you can get anywhere. We have been servicing these systems for over 20 years, now. Our long history of growth and stability shows that you can depend on us for the service that you...

Septic System Installation
NSF Standard 40: Title: “Residential Wastewater Treatment Systems” “1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Standard is to establish minimum materials, design and construction, and performance requirements for residential wastewater treatment ...

Septic System Installers
What is Flow Equalization?The process of reducing the variability of the influent flow to a system component by storing peak flows and metering their release at a predetermined rate close to the average daily flow.Why Use Flow Equalization?Uniform distribution is the goal for soil treatment Over areaOver timeSpreading loads in...

Septic System Leach
Although the failure may be caused by the septic tank, usually it is the leach field which fails. When water cannot pass properly through the leach field, it either backs up into the home or office or it is forced to the surface, resulting in puddles.A leach field generally consists...

Septic System Maintenance
Q: Is it true that a maintenance agreement is required on my aerobic system? A: Yes, it's true. There's actually a notarized affidavit on file with your County property records declaring that a maintenance agreement will be in force on your property at all times. ...

Septic System Odor
Occasionally homeowners complain about odors from their onsite sewage treatment system. Although most people understand that sewage has a particular odor, steps can be taken to limit these odors in the home and yard. Gases from an onsite system that can be a problem include hydrogen sulfide, carbon...

Septic System Parts
If you are looking for parts and tools to do maintenance on a septic system, then look no further. We sell all the equipment you need for maintenance and the parts for repair of most wastewater treatment systems. ...

Septic System Perc
The percolation test is only a small part of a complete site evaluation, but it is vital not only for the successful design of an on-site sewage treatment system but for the legal ability to build one in the first place.The percolation tests are designed to simulate conditions in...

Septic System Perk
Perk tests is a short form of the term "percolation test," which is a test to determine the suitability of a property location for a septic drainage system. Ultimately they are done to see if the soil that surrounds the future drainfield will be able to absorb the amount of...

Septic System Plumbing
We offer the best service for plumbing and septic system needs. Whether you have residential or commercial problems we offer the service, repair and installation solution that's right for you. Limit water entering your tank: * use water-saving fixtures (faucets, showers, toilets) ...

Septic System Pressure
A low pressure distribution system overcomes these two drawbacks of the normal gravity fed system. The LPD system differs from conventional systems by using a dosing chamber and a network of distribution pipes that are smaller in diameter than those used in normal gravity systems. The dosing chamber is an...

Septic System Problem
People seeking services from a maintenance service provider desire proper service for a fair price, but they often don't know what services are necessary for their system. As an onsite wastewater treatment system owner, you should be aware of the different contracts that may be available and know exactly what...

Septic System Problems
As a septic system owner you are responsible for ensuring that your septic system is safe and working properly. A failing septic system is a health risk for your family and the community and may be causing harm to the environment.Absorption field: a designated area where effluent is released into...

Septic System Product
A few communities around the country have established management programs that involve having a third party professional look at all septic systems on a regular basis and do whatever maintenance is necessary. Each management visit includes checking both septic tank and drainfield for proper function. Communities that have management programs...

Septic System Pump
Four major factors influence the frequency of pumping: the number of people in your household, the amount of wastewater generated (based on the number of people in the household and the amount of water used), the volume of solids in the wastewater (for example, using a garbage disposal increases the...

Septic System Pumping
Traditionally, the most common domestic wastewater treatment system used in rural areas is the septic tank-soil absorption system. The septic tank removes settleable and floatable solids from the wastewater. The soil absorption field then filters and treats the clarified septic tank effluent and distributes it through the soil. Removing the...

Septic System Pumps
Maintain pumps and filters properly * All pumps and motors should be routinely checked for proper operation. * Replace weak or faulty pumps and motors. * Install and clean lint filters on laundry equipment. * Clean or replace...

Septic System Repairs
Rudy's Country Store and Bar B Q:Their first septic system began failing after only 3 years and began showing signs of imminent failure at 8 years. SOS redesigned, permitted, supplied the equipment, coordinated all construction activities, and is currently providing operation & maintenance. The new system operates unnoticed adjacent to...

Septic System Safe
A CURRENT INSPECTION AGREEMENT CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Avoids fines by complying with Local and State agency rules Minimizes damage to media, equipment and property Improves performance, extends life of system and equipmentTanks must be pumped to remove solids, generally once every 2 years. ...

Septic System Service
Planned Service AgreementsSnowden Onsite Septic, Inc. (SOS) is able to offer a better approach to service that can improvethe cost of owning and operating your septic system, and protect your investment in some of the most expensive equipment in your home. We call it our Planned Service Agreement (PSA)"An Ounce...

Septic System Supply
Snowden Onsite is your source for septic supplies! We carry a wide range of supplies.We only sell products we trust to use in our own installations.We are a full service septic firm including sewer connections and extensions, underground utilities, propane lines and septic repair and installation....

Septic System Toilet
Toilets are the leading cause of household water leaks. Since all water from the toilet goes directly into the septic system, saving water used by toilets reduces both consumption and wastewater flows. Hydraulic overload is the single most common cause of on-site wastewater treatment failure. Surface ponding and backup...

Septic System Too Small
A septic system can never really be too large, but it can definitely be too small. If faced with the decision of selecting the size of your septic system, it is wise to be very careful to not get a system that is, or will be, too small. Consider this...

Septic System Treatment
Some aerobic systems include a pretreatment step to reduce the amount of solids in the wastewater going into the aerobic unit. Solids include greases, oils, toilet paper, and other materials that are put down the drain or flushed into the system.Too much solid material can clog the unit and prevent...

Septic System Trench
In the typical absorption field, each length of leach line or leaching chamber is set in its own individual trench. This results in an absorption field consisting of a series of parallel trenches that are about 18" to 30" deep. Because the aerobic bacteria that decompose waste thrive mostly in...

Septic System Water
The aerobic treatment unit components - pretreatment tank, aeration chamber, air pump and settling chamber - work together to treat the water to a high quality. In the system, wastewater first enters the pretreatment tank or trash trap, which removes plastic objects and other solids that float or settle. Then...

Septic System Work
How Your System WorksHome septic systems consist of two principle components: a septic tank where solid waste is stored and an absorption area where wastewater is treated. Bathroom, kitchen and laundry waste drains through a large pipe (house sewer) into your septic tank where it separates out into three layers:1.Solids...

Septic Systems
If you are like most folks, these new OSSF's (septic systems) are confusing at best, irritating at worst. Well, you're not alone. Not only do many owners not understand their systems, many regulators and industry practitioners do not understand them, either. On February 4, 1997, under the...

Septic Systems
Thank goodness that the alternative of onsite treatment and disposal exists. Thank goodness we are here to help those people build their dream home, and still responsibly manage their sewage. Thank goodness, because without us, one of two possibilities would occur. One possibility is that they would...

Septic Systems Installation
Guidelines for designing proper performing OSSFs:1.Flow equalization for all ATU's2.Pressurized time dosing to field for systems with primary treatment only3.Homeowner questionnaire a.No ATU's if not perpetually occupied4.Use TCEQ flows to establish average daily flows only a.Use a project-specific peak flow multiplier for design5.Do not depend on homeowner for success of...

Septic Systems Maintenance
Why Maintain Your System?There are three reasons why septic system maintenance is important to you and your community. 1.The first is money. The minimal cost and effort required to maintain your system can save you or delay future expenditures that have ranged from $10,000 to $100,000 for replacement systems....

Septic Systems Problem
Planned Service Will Help Keep Your Home Safe. Untreated sewage tracked into your home might be an invisible threat to your safety, but it is a threat that is preventable. Sewage contains pathogens that can cause serious illness and in some cases death. Though designed to be safe, poorly...

Septic Systems Repairs
ATUs are designed, tested, or certified for residential wastewater. When they are used on office buildings, restaurants, warehouses, and other non-residential applications, they often do not perform well, not to mention that it probably does not meet the requirements of our Texas rules. These technologies are here to...

Septic Tank
All septic systems consist of two parts: the septic tank and the soil absorption system. Septic tanks with soil absorption systems are the most commonly used wastewater treatment system in rural and suburban areas. A septic system generally consists of a tank or tanks, between the size of 1,000...

Septic Tank Additive
There have been several studies conducted on septic tank additives; however, there is still some debate on their effectiveness.Part of the problem stems from the number of additives that are marketed and the lack of an established standard testing method for all additives.The amount of bacteria or enzyme in each...

Septic Tank Additives
There are many companies promoting their septic tank additives, saying they can solve all of your septic woes. For over 15 years, these claims have not yet been proven by any independent study.  In a few cases it has been shown that additives created problems that wouldn't have occurred if...

Septic Tank Aerator
An aerator or air pump, normally installed in a chamber atop or close to the septic tank, pumps air into the septic tank's aeration compartment using any of several methods to aerate the wastewater. Aeration systems are not typically designed to have leaching devices working with them.Aeration systems do not...

Septic Tank Backup
Sewage odors, wet areas on the property, slow fixture drains, gurgling drain noises, or plumbing fixtures which backup or overflow back into the building may be the first signs of trouble. If the liquid effluent cannot soak into the soil surrounding the leach field, sewage may back up into the...

Septic Tank Bacteria
SewageSewage typically contains 95% to 99% water.Impurities in sewageMicro organismsOften includes disease causing organisms (pathogens), including bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms. Usually measured by the presence of E.coli (a common type of bacteria found in the intestines). 100 mL of sewage contains around 10 million E. coli bacteria. Phosphorus...

Septic Tank Care
Learn about your household sewage system. Obtain and keep a sketch of the system with a detailed record of repairs, pumping, inspections, and other maintenance activities.Have your household sewage system inspected and maintained regularly.Keep your septic tank cover accessible for inspection and cleaning. Install risers if necessary.Call a registered sewage...

Septic Tank Cleaner
Many septic tank owners believe that if they haven't had any problems, they don't need to have their septic tanks pumped. ---Not true---. If the solids are not removed, eventually they will damage the rest of the system. Always use a registered septage hauler approved by the Texas Commission on...

Septic Tank Cleaners
SOS has recently added Pumping & Cleaning Services. The SOS difference: Our BRAND NEW truck is low emissions, and doesn't leak oil.Short wheelbase and automatic transmission for tight areas. One of the biggest vacuum pumps on any tank this size-and water cooled.Up to 200' of hose - at...

Septic Tank Cleaning
 Cleaning Septic Tanks Septic tank pump and haul contractors can clean your tank. It is a good idea to supervise cleaning to assure that it is done properly. To extract all the material from the tank, the scum layer must be broken up and the sludge layer mixed with...

Septic Tank Construction
What do you do when your client's property doesn't have sewer service?Now you have a professional solution - Snowden On-Site, Inc. (the other S.O.S.)S.O.S. has 20+ year's hands-on experience in on-site sewage solutions.We understand your challenges and the responsibility you have for the work you perform. Call today. Designers...

Septic Tank Cost
You are responsible for maintaining your system. You may wish to hire a professional to make sure your system continues to function properly. Having a service contract with an expert on the operation and maintenance of on-site wastewater treatment technologies is a sound and economical approach to properly maintaining and...

Septic Tank Covers
Be absolutely certain that the covers and clean out access covers over the septic tank are secure and durable so that it will be impossible for someone to fall into the tank.Manhole covers to the surface above the septic tank? Be careful! Make sure the lid locks or weighs 80...

Septic Tank Design
Value Pre 285 Per 285 Daily flow 1080 gpd 420 gpd ...

Septic Tank Diagram
A Septic System is a small wastewater treatment system designed to dispose of household, biological sanitary waste. Wastewater from the home flows into the septic tank who's primary purpose is to separate solids (which settle to the bottom of the tank as sludge) from the wastewater before they reach the...

Septic Tank Diagram
Let's start off by clearing some misconceptions. If your house is on a septic system installed in Texas after the 1970's, there is much more to that system than just a tank. There will be a sewer line connecting your house to the tank or to the first...

Septic Tank Emptying
A septic tank system is a vital part of a household. The tank is where waste goes when it leaves the house. Keeping the septic tank maintained and emptied as necessary will keep it from overflowing.To get the longest life from your septic tank, we advise that the emptying...

Septic Tank Failure
Failing systems that result in water coming to the surface are a public health hazard and can cause surface water contamination by nutrients and pathogens. If a system is functioning hydraulically (i.e. accepting the water) in a slowly permeable soil there will be very little environmental impact.In the course of...

Septic Tank Field
People with septic systems should not do all the laundry on one day nor should they discharge large quantities of water from hot tubs, etc. to the system. Garbage disposal use should be minimized. It does not need to be eliminated but the more the garbage disposal is used, the...

Septic Tank Filter
Tank maintenance and septic filter & system installations should always be performed by licensed and insured professional. Effluent filters stop the larger solids from getting out to the drainfield. They are cleaned out every few years when you have your tank pumped. Effluent filters are cheap insurance and...

Septic Tank Filters
Screen filters are not the best choice for drip irrigation filtration. Some form of three dimensional filter is much better at capturing organics.Have your nonmechanical systems inspected every 1-2 years, and have your tank pumped every 2-3 years, or as recommended by an onsite professional. Have mechanical system inspected...

Septic Tank Full
If a septic tank has not been pumped out in the past five years, sludge may have built up to the point where the excessive built up solids are being released to the drainfield. This situation could result in pollution of groundwater or premature clogging of the drainfield. A tank...

Septic Tank Inspection
When you want it done right... Call S.O.S. When your septic doesn't work... Call S.O.S. For these services: Maintenance AgreementsRepairs/DiagnosisUpgrades to fit your needsInspectionsExpert Witness/TestimonyDesign/ConsultingCall S.O.S. Why S.O.S. ? Responsive – you get priority and emergency service with a current agreementExperience...

Septic Tank Installation
If a septic tank isn't watertight, water can leak into and out of the system. Usually, water from the environment leaking into the system causes hydraulic overloading, taxing the system beyond its capabilities and causing inadequate treatment and sometimes sewage to flow up to the ground surface. Water leaking out...

Septic Tank Lid
Each compartment of a septic tank has an access port which is sealed with a lid. These can either be concrete, plastic, or fiberglass depending on what type of tank is installed. On new construction, when septic tank lids are buried more than 12 inches below finished grade, risers...

Septic Tank Lids
What are "risers" and why do I need them? Your septic system, no matter what kind or how you use it, requires periodic service. Some systems, like aerobic treatment units, require much more frequent service. Other systems that utilize a standard size septic tank will require less...

Septic Tank Maintenance
An interim study was performed which determined a need for several changes to improve our industry. A bill was introduced, HB2510, to effect those changes. This bill cleared all the obstacles until the very end and only needed approval in the Senate for final passage. That's when...

Septic Tank Prices
Septic tank prices vary around the country according to local labor and material rates, but there are three basic costs commonly associated with a new septic tank.1 Installation costs.2 Maintenance and repair costs.3 Replacement costs if things go wrong. Proper steps taken in the installation and maintenance will prevent many...

Septic Tank Problem
The most common symptoms of a problem are either the flow from the house is slowed or septic effluent begins to surface over the drainfield. Septic systems are often cited as sources of surface and groundwater pollution and these problems are often attributed to failing systems. Neglect contributes to premature...

Septic Tank Problems
Snowden Onsite Services, Inc. maintains an inventory of common parts for all units. Our service personnel have received extensive training, and are available to help you.WASHING MACHINES are responsible for large volumes of water entering the system all at once. Thissurge of water can hydraulically overload the unit...

Septic Tank Pump Out
The normal recommendation for frequency of septic tank pumping is to have the tank pumped every 3-5 years. Some service companies and some health departments may recommend every 1-3 years. However, this is one of those questions where we must say the answer depends upon several factors. It depends upon...

Septic Tank Pumping
Septic tanks will not fail immediately if they are not pumped. However, an un-maintained septic tank is no longer protecting the soil absorption field from solids. Continued neglect may result in system failure and even replacement of the soil absorption field. In some cases, site limitations may make replacement of...

Septic Tank Pumping Service
More frequent pumping is needed if a garbage disposal is used. Generally the indicated frequency will vary with the volume of solids (+20% for high volume, -20% for low volume). Also, more frequent pumping will be needed if your tanks are not water tight, and allow the infiltration of storm...

Septic Tank Pumps
It is becoming increasingly common to find pumps in septic systems for many reasons. Because pumps are mechanical devices, they should be serviced regularly to prolong their life. When the pump fails, and it eventually will, there are many things you need to know to properly replace it.First,...

Septic Tank Pumps
Septic pumps, sewage pumps, or sewage ejector pumps are designed to remove sewage from a building where plumbing fixtures and their drains are lower than the building sewer line and/or septic tank.Septic pumps must be able to move solids, either by being able to grind solids into fine debris or...

Septic Tank Repair
The septic tank is a buried, watertight container typically made of concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene. It holds the wastewater long enough to allow solids to settle out (forming sludge) and oil and grease to float to the surface (as scum). It also allows partial decomposition of the solid materials. Compartments...

Septic Tank Repairs
Additional PSA Member Benefits Should your system require additional service during the year, you will receive Priority Emergency Service 7 A.M. - 5 P.M., Monday - Friday, with no overtime charges. Members also receive a 10% discount on any needed parts and a 10% discount on any labor charges. To...

Septic Tank Replacement
Don't attempt to repair a failing system yourself, Hire an experienced contractor. We provide septic tank installation, repair and replacement. These services are provided to existing homeowners, general contractors specializing in new home construction as well as commercial property developers.If Your System Fails. In many situations, there are other options to...

Septic Tank Service
Outline of Inspection Agreement Service Procedures:The Service Technician will: 1.Be driving a company vehicle with signage identifying company name. 2.Be wearing a company uniform with company name clearly shown. 3.Be covered by Worker's Compensation, General Liability, and Commercial Auto insurance. 4.Attempt to identify self at front door, or gate. 5.Proceed...

Septic Tank Size
Septic Tanks are usually about 4.5 feet wide x 8.0 feet long x 6 feet tall. Tanks are typically buried 4 inches to 4 feet deep depending on local site conditions, shape, slope, and other factors.The tank's primary purpose is to retain the solids while releasing sewage effluent to the...

Septic Tank System
Minimizing the quantity of water discharged to the system on a regular basis will extend the life of a system. Regular pumping of the septic tank to assure that solids are removed from the tank before they have an opportunity to build up to the level where they wash out...

Septic Tank Systems
Guidelines for the successful use of your septic system:Inside the HouseDon't flush dangerous and damaging substances into the septic tank. (Please refer to "Substitutes for Household Hazardous Waste," below) Specifically, do not flush . . . Flammable or toxic products Household cleaners, especially floor wax and...

Septic Tank Treatment
(1) NSF-listed treatment units are only certified, and can only handle, residential strength wastewater at their rated flows. The same is true for current published designs for media filters.(2) Commercial and Institutional facilities must utilize "pretreatment" processes (ATU's and most media filters do not function as pretreatment processes) to...

Septic Tanks
The S.O.S. Performance Guarantee: We do what we say, and when we day we'll do it.All services not performed satisfactorily will be redone.All regulatory agency matters will be addressed for you.A SERVICE AGREEMENT WILL: Save You Money! Protect your health. Protect the investment in your septic system. Minimize damage...

Septic Tanks Installation
In general, homeowners are not advised of their options and the pros and cons of each. They are not told about the trade-off of lower up-front costs for higher ongoing costs. They are not told of the unfortunate reality that most service people are unable to maintain a more complex...

Septic Tanks Maintenance
Why Maintain Your Septic System? TASKS YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO DO are, however, very necessary to protect your health and home, avoid failures, and to reduce you repair costs. Hire a professional for scheduled preventative maintenance on you septic system. Have your nonmechanical systems inspected every 1-2 years,...

Septic Tanks Repair
We provide you the best septic service you can get anywhere. S.O.S. has been servicing these systems for over 20 years, now. Our long history of growth and stability shows that you can depend on S.O.S. for the service that you need and deserve. We offer...

Septic Treatment
With increasing frequency, people are asking how to use NSF-listed home plants for office, restaurant, or other non-residential applications. Based on the last several years of experience, I now have come to the opinion that at no time should any NSF-listed home plant be used on anything other than residential...

Septic Types
Prospective buyers should know there are many different types of septic inspections. Systems installed since 1989 require permits and are checked by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) approved inspectors during installation. But when a property is sold, the TCEQ does not inspect the system.Lenders usually require a complete home...

Service Contract
Aren't you tired of all these renewal reminders?You are probably getting tired of receiving all these reminders plus the expiration notice. Worst of all, the paper work increases our cost of delivering the superior service you desire. S.O.S. has a solution. The Service On Schedule program....

Service Plans
Dislike paying big unexpected repair bills on your septic system? Announcing an SOS exclusive! Service Plans that eliminate unexpected repair bills altogether - even pumping. Call us, or ask one of our technicians, to find out how our Service Plans can eliminate your unexpected septic repair bills. Call us at...

SLUDGE 101, by Roger E. Machmeier, Ph.D(As printed in Pumper Magazine, April 2009). Understanding the solid and scum layers in a septic tank will help you explain necessary system maintenance to reluctant customers.QUESTION:I am new to pumping and am fascinated by the biological processes involved in an individual sewage...

Sprinkler Repairs
We take pride in our reputation as the most knowledgeable, professional and friendly irrigation, drainage, and outdoor landscape lighting service company in the area.We provide various irrigation services. They range from lawn irrigation, sprinklers, drain, drainage, pumps, connecting gutter downspouts to drainage systems.Repair and replace anything – such...

Sprinkler Repairs
Emitter Pipe, Sprinklers, and Filters: Netafim Bioline Emitter Pipe & Fittings Screen & Disc; Auto Flushing Effluent Filters; Gravity & Pressure Spray Heads, Comml, Agric., Resid.Service,...

Sulpher Smell
On a statewide basis, ATUs with surface application are often the cheapest and easiest system to install. They are, due to ignorance of the issues, the system of choice for most builders. When a surface application field won't fit due to site constraints, the most common solution...

Sulpher Water
Strong, rotten-egg odors in the raw water is usually the result of the decomposition of decaying underground organic deposits. As water is drawn to the surface, hydrogen sulfide gas can be released to the atmosphere. In strong concentrations, this gas is flammable and poisonous. It rapidly tarnishes silver, turning it...

System Repair
We find that educated and environmentally conscious consumers generally end up being our best customers. There is so much for people to learn, however, that a process of learning works better than a one-time inundation of information.Feel free to peruse our site, and if you don't find the answer you...

The Best Septic System
What is the best OSSF on the market?The one that is getting proper service! Even the best equipment will suffer without proper service. Why risk your health and that of your family on a service provider that never shows up, or cuts corners in their work? Snowden...

Types Of Septic Systems
Texans looking for a place in the country may not have septic systems on their minds. But when drains back up and an unpleasant aroma fills the air, they may wish they had asked some questions. There are three things prospective rural, and even suburban, homebuyers should know about septic...

Unhappy With Your Septic System?
Why do so many customers end up dissatisfied with their septic systems? We feel it starts with nobody asking or even considering the owner's opinion before foisting upon them whatever was cheap, or that they had in inventory. If you are a septic system owner, did anyone tell you of...

Water Softeners
When water contains a significant amount of calcium and magnesium, it is called hard water. Hard water is known to clog pipes and to complicate soap and detergent dissolving in water.Water softener systems reduce the hardness of water by replacing the hardness minerals - calcium and magnesium ions with another...

What Does SOS Do?
Just a quick note to let you know what we are doing to improve our value to you, our customer:1.After years of research, we are investing in system upgrades that will help us to provide you with better financial and system information as we serve your needs. 2.All our service...

Why Do You Have An Aerobic System?
Often its simply because it makes the designers, installers, builders, and manufacturers of these systems more money, frankly.  Sales people and slick literature will try to convince you it's your best choice, but that's not always true.  Like the other choices in your home, to get what you really want,...

Why Stay On A Septic System?
Top 5 Reasons for Preserving Onsite as a Viable, Even Preferred, Sewage Management Option: Better protection of public health is possible Examples: City of Austin loses 1MGPD sewage from collection system for decades City of Austin sewage spills 1-2 times/week...

Featured Articles
Providing Quality Service...Guaranteed In the Greater Austin Area of Travis, Hays, Williamson, Burnet, & Bastrop Counties , Barton Creek, Lago Vista, Hudson Bend, Buda, Hays County, San Marcos.
Call (512) 338-1804 for fast, dependable service.
Pumping Frequencies The table below provides an estimate of pumping frequency in years, based on the size of the first tank in gallons, and the number of...
Improved Efficiency - Public And Private (Rare story: A public agency and private company work together to improve efficiency for themselves AND their customers.) Background:   Since the State-wide change in...
Unhappy With Your Septic System? Why do so many customers end up dissatisfied with their septic systems? We feel it starts with nobody asking or even considering the owner's opinion before...
  • Find Septic System Preserve...Protect...Prevent With an SOS PSA, our professionals put your home or business septic system through our 15-Point Preventive...
  • Septic FRAUD! An elderly woman was recently scammed out of $30,000 in Dewey, Arizona, after a man claimed he’d replaced...
  • Septic Tank Additives There are many companies promoting their septic tank additives, saying they can solve all of your septic woes....
  • Septic Tank Problem The most common symptoms of a problem are either the flow from the house is slowed or septic...
  • Septic System What is a Septic System? Some may think that a septic system is a hole in the...