Septic Tank Full

If a septic tank has not been pumped out in the past five years, sludge may have built up to the point where the excessive built up solids are being released to the drainfield.

This situation could result in pollution of groundwater or premature clogging of the drainfield. A tank that is not pumped regularly will result in solids exiting the tank along with the wastewater. Blockages can then occur in the pipes and in the soil of the septic field and could cause sewage to surface on the ground.

Solids must be regularly removed from the all septic tanks. Many experts advise a family of four with a 1,000 gallon septic tank to have the tank pumped after 3-5 years of full time use.

The best way to determine the need for pumping of a tank is open the tank and look inside. A measurement of the accumulated solids will reveal whether a tank needs to be pumped or not.

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