Septic System Safe
Avoids fines by complying with Local and State agency rules
Minimizes damage to media, equipment and property
Improves performance, extends life of system and equipment
Tanks must be pumped to remove solids, generally once every 2 years.
H e a lth E ffe c ts* from Inhala tio n o f Hydrogen Sulfide
S h o rt-te rm E x p o s u re
(le s s than 14 days)
E ffe c ts in E ffe c ts in
A n imals Humans
Approximate Air Level**
(parts p e r billion)
1,000,000 nervous system failure
respiratory failure,
lung damage, unconsciousness
nasal damage
lung damage
behavioral effects
100,000 loss of sense of smell
irregular heartbeat,
nose, throat and lung
chemical changes in
irritation, headache,
dizziness, loss of sleep
eye irritation, chemical and appetite
changes in lung, decreased
OSHA*** Workplace
ability to fight infection
Standard (15 min)
chemical changes
eye irritation
in brain
chemical changes in
blood and muscle
odor threshold
NYS ambient air
10 standard (1 hr)
* E ffe c ts are listed at the lowest level with a significant increase in those effects. They are likely to occur at higher
le v e ls.
** Length of exposure varies for different studies
*** O ccupational Safety a n d H e a lth A dministration
H e a lth E ffe c ts* from Inhala tio n o f Hydrogen Sulfide
L o n g - te rm E x p o s u re
(14 or more days)
E ffe c ts in E ffe c ts in
A n imals Humans
Approximate Air Level**
(parts p e r billion)
increased reports of
headache, irritability, memory
100,000 loss, fatigue, dizziness, eye and
decreased body and respiratory irritation,
brain weight, eye and gastrointestinal disorders in an
skin irritation, nasal occupational setting
10,000 OSHA*** Workplace
chemical, cellular and
Standard (8 hr.)
electrical activity changes
in brain during development
Workers exposed to hydrogen sulfide may have
(maternal exposure) decreased lung function and increased risk of impaired
neurological function (memory, reaction time, color
discrimination, balance and mood) and spontaneous
1,000 abortion. Residents living near industrial hydrogen sulfide
sources have an increased risk of lung and eye symptoms
and neurological effects similar to workers.
Hydrogen sulfide exposure levels associated with these
effects are unclear, but may often be below the OSHA 8-
hour standard. Other chemical exposures may have
100 contributed to these effects.
increased complaints of eye, throat and lung
irritation, nausea, breathing difficulties, cough,
headache, fatigue, sleep loss, weight loss,
10 and chest pain in communities near hydrogen
sulfide sources
* E ffe c ts are listed at the lowest level with a significant increase in those effects. They are likely to occur at higher levels.
** Length of exposure varies for different studies
*** O ccupational Safety a n d H e a lth A dministration
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