Septic Tank Pumps

It is becoming increasingly common to find pumps in septic systems for many reasons. Because pumps are mechanical devices, they should be serviced regularly to prolong their life. When the pump fails, and it eventually will, there are many things you need to know to properly replace it.

First, why did the pump fail? In our company, we won't replace a pump until we first determine why it failed. If it served the appropriate life span, it may have just failed due to age.

Regardless of it's age, we recommend that you first verify that the pump is the actual pump specified in your permit. That's the pump you are legally supposed to have in your system. Anything else would be a violation of your license to operate the system.

We also recommend that you verify that the pump is an appropriate selection for the application. If you are not familiar with the various pump technologies, retain the services of a licensed, and well trained service provider to handle, or advise you, on this.

All pumps are not the same, and even all pumps with the same horsepower are not the same. Some pumps are designed to move high volumes of water at low pressure. Some pumps are designed to move low volumes of water at high pressure. Even if the design/permit specifies a particular pump, and even if it will theoretically serve the purpose, if it's not the best selection for the application, you'll find yourself repairing this pump frequently.

After all the above is verified, it is necessary to confirm the proper operation of the pump in the system. Verify the electrical conditions such as voltage and amperage when the pump is working under load. Verify the hydraulic conditions such as volume of flow and pressure when the pump is operating in the system.

With a new pump or existing pump, if all the above operating conditions are not correct, they must be resolved. If not, you'll find yourself replacing that pump again, and very frequently.

If you are not familiar with all of the above technical issues, with proper selection and sizing of pumps, you will probably find it better and ultimately cheaper in the long run to retain the services of a licensed and well trained service provider.

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