Septic System Cost

Snowden Onsite Septic, Inc. (SOS) is able to offer a better approach to service that can improve the cost of owning and operating your septic system, and protect your investment in some of the most expensive equipment in your home. We call it our Planned Service Agreement (PSA)

"An Ounce of Prevention..."

This may seem like an old idea, but for members of the SOS PSA program, it's a new way of saving all year long that not only makes a big difference but it also really makes a whole lot of sense.

Long before your home or business septic system actually breaks down, it silently and unavoidably loses efficiency requiring more energy and more money to handle your sewage. A recent study indicates that septics cost much more to operate simply because the equipment isn't regularly maintained.

Equipment not regularly maintained is also moving closer each day to break-downs and unnecessary repairs. It is sad but true that a majority of service calls can be prevented through proper preventative maintenance.

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