Septic Tank System

Minimizing the quantity of water discharged to the system on a regular basis will extend the life of a system.

Regular pumping of the septic tank to assure that solids are removed from the tank before they have an opportunity to build up to the level where they wash out into the drainfield is also a key factor in extending the life of a system.

The other issue in determining system life is the quantity and quality of solids that are discharged to the septic tank with the sewage. One simple rule is that if you didn't eat it, wash something in it or pull it off the toilet paper roll, don't put it in the septic tank.

This would exclude discharging grease, toxic substances, material from a garbage grinder, and other solids. Taking care to be sure that leaking fixtures are not tolerated and there is no surface water, sump pump discharge or water softener discharge going into the system will all extend the life. Minimizing peak flows is also important.

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